Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What do you name a child you never got to meet

After much thought and prayer we finally settled on a name late last night. Finding a gender neutral name with a significant meaning that we both liked proved to be challenging. Tossing out an ode to the infamous "Pat" from Saturday Night Live just wasn't good enough. (see I'm trying to laugh a little) We went through a whole list of gender neutral names and picked out ones we liked... Some of the ones we considered were Phoenix (out the ashes life is born) Aspen (tree with heart shaped leaves) Tristen (sad, sorrowful) Haven (place of rest) etc but none really stood out as THE ONE. Last night, I decided to search through Biblical Names and their meanings and one really stood out to both of us... Our 3rd child's name is Azaliah, (a zah LYE ah)which is a gender neutral Hebrew name meaning: God has reserved/withheld, near to the Lord. http://babynamesworld.parentsconnect.com/meaning_of_Azaliah.html http://www.biblical-baby-names.com/meaning-of-azaliah.html The middle name is Shalom; signifying the peace little Azaliah is already experiencing and we eventually hope to feel. Enjoy heaven Azaliah Shalom, we can't wait to meet you someday :-) Love your Dad and Mom


Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful and appropriate name! I felt like our healing could finally begin after we named the baby we lost. I pray that your healing will begin soon.
Angie McArthur

jubilee said...


becky said...

I love the meaning, it's just right! Sorry for your loss...may the Lord draw you near to himself through this time.